
Friday, November 2, 2012

Expect change as education moves into 21st century

It isn’t uncommon for parents to look over their children’s schoolwork and think to themselves, “I don’t remember learning that at their age.” It also isn’t uncommon for a parent to ask a child for help using a new electronic gadget or figuring out an app.
There is no doubt that technology is changing how we live our daily lives. That means that today’s generation must also learn and be taught differently to keep up with the pace of technology’s development.
Many schools are using the phrase “21st century learning” or “21st century skills” to describe this movement that is refining the goals of education. Ultimately, 21st century learning will be learner-driven. No longer will learning come from the top down. Students will be prepared to drive their own educations.
This type of education does not necessarily take place within four walls. Students will use the Internet through their cell phones and computers, and they’ll chat with friends on a social networking site. The teacher’s role will be to monitor and issue assignments via virtual classrooms.
The overarching learning goals for students will not change. These subjects include math, language and social and physical sciences. Other subjects will also become equally important: the environment, health and financial and civic literacy. The difference will be in how the students learn such subjects. The “how” includes what many educators are referring to as the “4 C’s.”
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: This refers to the ability to use facts, knowledge and data to effectively solve problems.
Creativity and Innovation: This is the ability to create new ideas using a wide range of techniques and to be able to develop, implement and communicate those ideas effectively. The definition can go further to include the ability to accept failure as an opportunity to learn, understanding that creativity and innovation is a cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes.
Communication: This is the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and non-verbal communication skills and a variety of multiple media and technologies — all in diverse environments.
Collaboration: This is working effectively and respectfully with diverse teams while exercising flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal. This includes assuming shared responsibility for collaborative work and valuing the individual contributions made by each team member.
The definitions for school, teacher and learner will be revised to reflect this new learning environment. Schools will go from buildings to nerve centers with walls that are transparent — connecting teachers, students and the community to the wealth of knowledge that exists in the world. The primary role of the teacher as a dispenser of information will shift to an orchestrator of learning and helping students turn information into knowledge — and knowledge into wisdom.
Learners also need to be seen in a new context. Their interest must be maintained by helping them see that what they are learning prepares them for the real world. Their curiosity must be instilled. They should be excited to become even more resourceful so that they will continue to learn outside the formal school day.
Please remember that shifting schools to a 21st century learning environment will take time. However, be prepared. Soon, older students will be able to take their electronic devices to school and use them in the classroom. Hardcover textbooks will be replaced with e-books. These simple changes begin the transformation to the future 21st century learning environment.

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